A lot of my time recently has involved showing screens of one device on another device (Mirroring) this is a young task and the solutions sometimes do and sometimes dont work. This tiny device from Kingston is rather better at transferring data between two incompatible devices.
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A few Android devices had a simple cable that connected a micro USB port to one that allowed you to insert a standard memory stick into it as if it was a standard USB port; this was a great feature that for some reason did not work with all devices.
If you can persuade your Android device to show USB storage then this will normally work. To do this I found that a free App from the Play Store ES File Explorer is the most likely to give you this functionality.
The device itself is currently available in sizes up to 32GB, but I am told 64GB is on the horizon and that can hold a lot of large videos. In fact one arrived just a day ago and providing your device is happy then no problems but some only allow up to 32GB.
It is 3cm long 1/5cm wide and .7cm thick at the micro dusk cap end. This flips sideways meaning when connected to a micro USB port it is only 2.5cm long.
This is a USB2 device so transfer may be somewhat slower than that achieved by USB3 devices but there still remains a slight cloud over USB3 devices and their use in USB2 ports, this is safer.
However like my recent foray into Mirror Cast which involves displaying an Android devices screen on a TV it does not always work with all devices.
It is not always having the latest version of Android ‘Kit Kat’ that insures success and the one thing I did find that almost all the devices tested needed a File Explorer App (I used ES File Explorer) partly because it’s a free download from the Google Play Store and partly so all devices were using the same interface.
You do not get automatic file/folder discovery although some devices do flash on the screen when you remove it.
You need to find ‘Local’ storage and then USB this is normally found with ES File Explorer from the icon top left and then you should be able to play or save to other sources like internal memory or a micro SD card if one is used.
The reverse transfer should also be possible and of course when you remove the stick and place the standard USB end in a PC it is recognised and any files can easily be transferred to your PC.
A nice unit my test one was 32GB the largest currently available and it does add considerable capacity to your Android Tablet or Smartphone.
The Kingston 32GB DataTraveller microDuo OTG device is available from the link below for £13.35 with free delivery.