Well - it's free, but then the web is full of 'free' places so why is GadgetSpeak different? What does it give me?
Lots of people with which to share ideas, ask questions and generally gossip about what's happening in the world of gadgets.
We want GadgetSpeak to be a place where you can air your views, have your say about the things that interest you in a fun environment. To do this we're continually improving the ways you can participate.
Since we started we've provided all members with ability to write articles (although many seem a little shy - why is that? :-)
Discussion forums provide a place to ask questions. There is sure to be someone that can answer!
From the beginning of 2006, we've also added a community blog. More about this down below!
We also occassionally send out the odd newsletter. It's actually very occassionally, but we're hoping to improve on that this year, while of course a the same time not flooding your in-box with things you don't want!
Web-logs, or simply blogs have been around for quite a while now and are gaining in popularity. The problem is, who is going to read yours?. You put lots of effort in to jotting down your thoughts - and your pearl of wisdom is lost in the hurd of blogs littering the web.
Our 'community blog' provides a place for lots of people to blog together. Everyone has writes their own individual blog entries (and actually have an individual blog) but we then aggregate all of these into one big community blog that appears on the front-page of GadgetSpeak. WHY?
Simple. GadgetSpeak already gets a huge number of visitors because of the content that we have on our site. They find us through a through links on vendors sites or through search engines. They all have one thing in common - they have an interest in gadgets, or at least the gadget they searched for!
All of these people come to GadgetSpeak - and now as well as titles of articles they also see you blog titles and summaries. We've brought the people to you - now all you have to do is make your title and content attractive and they'll read. Much easier than having to do promote your own blog.
And because the community blog has lots of contributors (we hope) there is always something new. It doesn't matter if you personally can't think fo anything to write for a few days - someone else will fill the space.
All you need to start is an email address - and a username you make up for yourself.