Partner with GadgetSpeak
GadgetSpeak are actively seaking partnerships for the mutual benefit of both organisations.
Help us to help you!
GadgetSpeak is attracting considerable attention (visitors!) via search-engines due to both
the quality of our content and the body of content we've built up over the five years.
We'd like to continue our strong readership growth through 2009 and beyond.
What kind of partnership?
We currently have the following partnership opportunities:
- Advertising. With continual year on year organic traffic growth we're
now offering organisations dedicated advertising
opportunities. We have a limited number of locations that
we sell by the month allowing sponsors to get their brands and products to the attention
of our high-quality site visitors and members. Want to know more?
- Competitions. We've been running monthly prize-draws for over a year now,
culminating in our highly successful
Santa's Sack promotion. Each competition has
generated significant traffic to the sponsoring organisation and been great for
both brand and product awareness.
- Readers Offers. We've created some tools that
allow vendors to make special offers available to site visitors. You can add your own
offers, linking back to your own shop site. Interested?
- Sponsored articles. Article reviews on GadgetSpeak generate a lot
of visitors. If we have a review of a product you sell, why not 'sponsor'
the article. We add your logo, message and link to your site prominantly with the article.
- Products for review. Why not submit your products for review? A
review on GadgetSpeak will get noticed!
These are examples of what we've tried. If you have another idea then why not
get in touch?
If you'd like to discuss how GadgetSpeaks popularity can help you then
send us a message...
...or call us on 01707 891840.