Looking like what early impressions of an alien space ship might be like; a circular disc with thin sides and thicker in the middle this hub from Cygnett does but a single thing it charges your USB devices using mains power and offering five outlets around the disc.
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Five equally spaced ports around the side and the sixth space is taken where the two prong mains leads is inserted. The five USB ports take 180degrees of the circle with the mains lead entering mid-way through the other half of the product.
It is white in colour with blue lettering on the top and a blue band around the middle highlighting where the five charge ports are, it is 9cm across.
The underside has a Blue LED that shines while power is live to the unit and there are three curved raised pieces from the mould that allow the unit to sit securely on the table or desk you place it on.
With it turned on its back you see its actual name is ‘Supercharger UFO 5 Port USB Charger’ this also states the input is 100 to 240volts and the output is 5amps. Finally in very small writing requiring my magnifying glass ‘Efficiently Level V’ and made in China.
The two prong mains lead is 1.5metres long and ends in a standard 3 pin UK plug.
While I have several small power bricks around the house that are capable of outputting power to a USB lead they all have one thing in common one port, I do have one that has three ports but sadly that never worked.
So this unit that can take just one power outlet can charge up to five items simultaneously.
The only proviso is that you can find five USB leads to attach to the Cygnett device.
I do have a small keyring type device that has five ends and this normally stays attached to the Cygnett so ‘micro’, ‘mini’, ‘old ‘i’ device’ and ‘new ‘i’ device’ otherwise called lightning can all be charged by the fifth standard USB being plugged into one of the Cygnett ports.
The secret is to user the plastic loop in the end of the keyring to be firmly attached to the Cygnett so no one charges there device and walks off with the gismo.
So this simple device has one task it does it well and the only thing lacking is to have the sort of keyring type device that’s stops people scouring the house for appropriate cables.
I did once see a unit that had leads hard wired for ‘mini’ and ‘micro’ as well as a couple of USB outputs but that just stopped working one day.
This item from Cygnett works, it does what its designed for and like so many greedy people I expect it to do more it refuses without help from that unnamed key ring device, now if the Cygnett came with such a device then it would be worth five smileys.
The Cygnett Supercharger UFO 5 Port USB Charger is available from the link below for £29.99 with free delivery.
Comment by shamr0ck9, Aug 6, 2017 18:18