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You get a large jug you pour the water from your tap into the top of the unit it then passes through the patented filter unit and emerges into the jug ready to be drunk. You can then pour water into a glass or using a button on the bass to allow water to flow into a glass placed under the edge of the unit.
The Jug is 28cm from the top back of the handle to the front of the spout, 28cm tall and 14.5cm at its widest. I am going to give the empty weight of 1400 grams and its weight with four pints of water in it 3645 grams.
While most will have no problems pouring water from the spout even when full some with less strength in their hands may struggle and the push and hold button at the back base could be very useful it is also ideal when trying to decant an exact amount and in my tests this gave ½ pint in around 12 seconds.
Lift the lid and the area below it will hold two pints easily while the filter below it does it work and passes the water through into the main jug. I placed the jug just overlapping a work surface and also on top of a container so that there was no need to hold whatever you were pouring the water into using the button on the back of the unit.
So why is it called Zero Water, the unit comes with a two prong tester that has two buttons on its face on/off and hold, push the on/off and the 2x.8cm LCD reader further up the device will show a number any water after passing through the filter starts at 0 and you are told that once this gets as high as 6 you should change the filter.
Now for some larger figures I tested the water from my kitchen tap and it was 126, the water from my hot tap was 228, it that does not stop you drinking water heated through a copper tank nothing will.
I was shocked and while I do have lead pipes from the road to my water tank that is still a high figure from the cold kitchen tap which of course is direct from the road.
I have been using Zero Water for several weeks now and even use it in the kettle while the taste to me seems very little changed what I am now drinking is just water and not all the trace elements.
I give the link to let the website tell you what sorts of impurities the screw in filter is extracting and indeed what is in the filter.
I am now using this all the time and filtering four pints of water takes around 18 minutes from the tap to a tank full of Zero Water. The ‘five stage’ filter is where all the impurities are taken out.
The Zero Water is available from Amazon for £39.99 and for that you get the jug the two pronged tester and one filter. A pack of two replacement filters are £29.99. As yet I have no idea how long the filters last as the device is still reading 0. More information on this product can by found on the Zero Water web site.
Comment by Absolute Zero, Nov 16, 2018 16:34