When a company decides that the blades cannot be improved they then look to what surrounds them and here Gillette work on what to you and me looks like the plastic shield that stops the blades meeting your face at anything but the perfect angle.
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So having what think is the perfect set of blades and also the best arm to support the razor it only leaves what surrounds the razor blades.
Did you know that the average number of strokes used during a face shave is 170 and 120 or those are made once the protective foam or gel has been removed, no, neither did I so this is why Gillette have brought out extra protection in the surrounds of their blades so stop you and me suffering irritation when we shave.
I remember a presentation made by a high ranking executive around a year ago and there was a blue plaster on a finger I asked after the presentation how that occurred and it seems it was while arranging a display of previous models of shaving devices.
I weighed the current device and the new one and they both weighed the same 49grams.
The current unit is blue either side of the shaving blades and the new one is yellow it has additional padding at the sides of the blades that the blue version does not have. There are also colour differences in the arm black for the current unit and yellow for the new one. The current unit has an orange area on the back of the unit while the new one is yellow.
The end of the arm of the current one says Gillette with orange around the logo and ProGlide on the reverse. The new one says Gillette with – yes you have got it – yellow around the logo and Fusion on the reverse in err yellow.
So while the blades are the same, it weights the same the selling point is that the new unit lubricates the face both before and after the stroke has been made.
For something that looks so similar can there be any great difference and for the answer to that time will tell when I have used the unit and if I am brave enough without so much – or even any – foam or gel on the face as my conversation at the launch event with a Gillette person said this was possible.
This new razor is all about strokes and restrokes the major problem that causes skin irritation is the restroke as the shaving foam or gel has been removed by the initial stroke so in effect your face is naked to face the restroke. The claim is that is lubricates your face before and after each stroke, link to a video in the link below.
The Gillette Fusion Proglide should start to appear in the shops by the time you read this. Remember to look for the yellow bits.
Until the star of July it is available either online or in their shops for £5.75 link below.