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click image to enlargeWhile trousers or skirts becoming smaller when not worn for a while is a good sign of gaining weight and them becoming bigger is a probable sign of losing weight. If you wish to keep your weight a secret then this scale can help.
The Withings Body Smart Scale measures 32x32x2.5cm but there is a second set of feet that clips into the already fitted ones to give you another .5cm of clearance which can be useful on certain surfaces like carpets.
On first switch on – by removing the tab in the back that covers the supplied batteries – you get a display telling you to download the App. Once downloaded you fill in a registration on your phone then after the normal check to see that your email exists you go to Devices and select Body Smart. Once the phone and the scale are linked you select if you want Stones and Pounds or Kilos as the measurement and once some updating takes place you are ready to weigh.
Like a lot of recent scales it requires bare feet as it gives a lot of other information apart from your weight.
A bathroom is probably the best place to use the scale as should you wish you can weigh yourself naked and you should always weigh yourself at the same time and in the same clothed or not condition to get the most useful results.
While you stand on the scale to get the weight and lots of other information you can study it at your leisure in the App and it will also show you any trends. Should you wish you can set the scale – through the App – to not show any details on the scale and just transfer the information by Wi-Fi or Bluetooth to the App. This is great if you are wanting privacy about your weight.
The scale can be used by more than one person and it identifies you when you step onto the scale. If you decide to see the information first it gives your weight and then if it’s up, down or stable. Next the % of fat and then the % of muscle next is visceral fat then your heart rate and later BMI. To round things off it gives the current weather and air quality. If like me visceral was a new word to you I checked with Google and it’s the fat that surrounds your internal organs.
When you check the App it lists weight, body composition both muscle and fat together with any trend, heart rate hopefully with the word normal underneath – that is why you should always weigh yourself at the same time and not immediately after any exertion.
So assuming you weigh yourself daily at the same time you not only get your weight but within say a week a good idea of any trend and without any extra effort your normal standing heart rate.
At the time of publication the Withings Body Smart Scale is available from Amazon for £89.95.
Details available on the Withings web site.