Shopping Clutter 21 

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Time to pair up with the Walker family as you add a coffee shop to the facilities on offer to the Animalville community.

The ever-busy Walker family continue in their efforts to enhance the appeal of Animalville.  With this latest venture, Jet Dogs Studio have set the family the task of creating a coffee shop for a place where the local residents of Animalville can spend their mornings and early evening relaxing periods.  You are cast in the role or providing help in the title of Shopping Clutter 21.

With options to create profiles for different players, adjust volume levels and play the game in full screen mode with a custom cursor, there is a choice of tackling the game in an Easy relaxed manner or in Hard mode with some time restrictions.  This game of Shopping Clutter 21 spreads its actions over 20 levels of game play.  Each level in made up of seven stages of Hidden Object searching followed by a mini game puzzle. 

As you would expect with the Shopping Clutter branding, the game's main focus deals with the discovery of various items selected from a mound of objects.  Depending upon the level and appropriate section, the clutter could be scattered around the screen area, stacked in one or two piles or maybe arranged in a shape which might be static or constantly moving.  As well as the different clutter arrangements, the many items could be shown in their natural format or as silhouettes making use of pastel colours to further distinguish items.

Accompanying the clutter display, you will be provided with the rules that need to be applied when selecting the required items.  Sometimes you could be asked to find two or three matching items that were the same or maybe were of different colours and/or sizes.  On occasions you might need to identify objects that have been split into halves or quarters.  A further restriction could be the need to find items that conformed to a specific type.  You might be asked to look for drinks, animal figurines, flowers, kitchen equipment, dessert or inedible items to mention just some types.

Once the initial seven sections of a level had been completed, you can then tackle the mini game puzzle  assigned to the level.  This puzzle might involve recreating a scene that has been broken up into different ways.  You might need to rotate or swap segments, switch bands of the image or slide segments into blank spaces.  There will also be occasions when the puzzle might involve matching face down cards. 

The completion of the level puzzle will bring the reward of a piece of equipment or furniture which would prove useful to the setting up of the coffee shop and its smooth running.  You will be introduced to this piece of equipment with a brief cut-scene featuring a member of the Walker family delivering printed dialogue regarding the equipment required by the facility.

Apart from the underlying coffee shop story aspect, Shopping Clutter 21 offers little more than the same type of content featured in other Shopping Clutter titles as you perform various tasks by following instructions.  I downloaded my copy of this game from where it is priced at $9.99.  The game is also available from Big Fish Games priced at £7.93.  System requirements call for a 1.0 GHz processor with 512MB of RAM and 261MB of hard disk space running Windows 7 and later.

Shopping Clutter 21 - Coffeehouse | Big Fish Games

Shopping Clutter 21 - Coffeehouse | GameHouse

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