A rechargeable battery operated toothbrush designed to allow the child to ‘enjoy’ the time spent brushing his/her teeth, while it is a fairly normal looking brush the difference is that it connects via Bluetooth in an App on a mobile phone. While a young child under full supervision will soon get the idea that different brushing techniques help, my worry is for the mobile phone getting dropped into a basin or worse.
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The brush is 22cm long with the round base being 3cm across, the brush itself is the final 7cm with the bristles the final 2cm the head is 1cm across, the unit weighs 114grams. For a small child this may be quite heavy.
Although my childhood is long gone – some may say I am now in my second childhood – I used this without problem apart from remembering to have the SmartPhone on and nearby.
Once you have set up an account you have access to a couple of simple games other more involved games are available via a subscription although I see you get the first month free and replacement brush heads seem to be sent as part of this subscription.
After a week of use you are sent an email showing the time spent brushing daily and other statistics.
If you start brushing without the SmartPhone being in range a blue light will flash at the bottom of the handle near the base and this stays on when in range. You are instructed in how to brush slower or faster etc.
It comes with a charge base that the brush fits onto this unit has a mains lead attached after a 1.2metre cable.
I found that around five seconds was long enough for the brush to link to the open App.
There are screens that show parents the child’s brushing records and also show the state of the battery in the brush.
Changing a head is easy enough. Once the phone has gone into standby the brush will continue to try to link for one minute before stopping flashing. If you pick up the brush when the phone is out of range it will try to connect for one minute before stopping. Neither of these actions affects the single on off button on the side of the unit.
It seems that dentists recommend a powered toothbrush rather than a manual one.
When you plug the toothbrush in via the charger the blue light becomes green and flashes slowly all the time the unit is taking charge.
Studying the box shows it is designed for 6+ although it can be used for 3+.
My main concern is as stated at the start that the SmartPhone could be dropped by the child and while concentrating on the game what the brush is doing in his/her mouth is less important.
The Playbrush subscription gives unlimited access to a range of ‘free’ games. The App is available from both the iOS and Android store.
The Signal Smart Sonic Playbrush is available from the link below for £29.99.