Emporia Smart E6 

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While the vast majority of younger people are perfectly happy with 'bare' Android phones those 'more mature' and those of 'retired' age who may only have used a basic Nokia type phone to make a receive calls. These people still need assistance when doing more online.

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This offering from Emporia looks like any standard recent phone, it has great photo and video taking capacity and from a distance no one would know the user is getting more support to do things like getting online and working with the likes of 'What's App' and indeed many other Apps.

The Emporia Smart E.6 measures 16x7.5 x less than 1cm and weights 210grams.

The right side on/off button, the base has USB 'C' connector for charging and more. The left side volume up/down rocker and SIM entry point. The top is clear. The back has three cameras in a vertical line near the top and now the first thing that is unlikely to appear on a conventional phone 'an emergency button' and an indicator that this is 5G capable.

Once you have inserted your SIM and completed the Android setup you get your chance to 'Emporiate' the display by clicking Emporia then instead of multiple Apps on the home screen you get just four these are phone, email, camera and information. Every other App is easily accessible with a right to left finger swipe.

After a couple of days Emporia Coach becomes an option where every day you are taught one thing over a 30 day period.

Day one tells you to swipe up if what you are reading is longer than your phones display, then it explains the difference between a push button phone and a Smart Phone this is both a phone and a small computer. That's day one tune in tomorrow to learn more, I certainly know plenty of people my age – and younger – who would benefit from these simple tips.

While I am definitely in the minority that turns my phone off at night this might encourage more to do so as switch on is only 15 seconds.

It has 6GB RAM, 14.7GB of available storage, Android 13 and a 50MP camera.

This is an easy to use phone ideal as a first Smart Phone as it does not assume you know how to use it. All you need is a SIM card.

At the time of publication the Emporia Smart.6 is available from Amazon for £339.99

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