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This is the top of the range model of four recent ‘nuvi’ offerings launched by Garmin. While not as large as some ‘built in’ units I have travelled with for an add in unit it is large at 13.5x7.2cm viewable screen this gives the notional diagonal imperial measurement of 6inches.
The actual unit size is 16.5x9.2x1.4cm and weights – without the attachments – 246grams.
If this is your first ‘sat nav’ then the things you need are a ‘cigar lighter’ socket to charge it in your car as without this near standard piece of equipment you will not be able to use it for long. You should also have access to a computer to download map and camera updates.
The cartoon like ‘Welcome’ sheet covers attaching the unit to your vehicle and plugging it in to the cigar lighter. In order to find quickly how to and what it can do you need to download its manual and a link to the 20 PDF page file is given. In my opinion the manual has all the information but it is written like a manual for people who know and not for the novice.
First switch on will take around 15 seconds and you need to pass a couple of disclaimer and warning screens about use when driving. There is a standby mode by pressing the off switch for less than five seconds and this gives a fast start up.
For those thinking of using this unit out of the car or a car without a cigar lighter socket the time you will get between charges is only around 90 minutes.
Basic ‘Sat Nav’ is built into most recent SmartPhones but it is not that accurate and will not have the bells ans whistles so OK in an emergency and to get you round on foot but otherwise not great.
The screen on the nuvi was easy to read and gave plenty of information so if you are the driver a quick glance should tell you what you need to know. The lady’s voice is clear and gives turn information in plenty of time so looking should be a luxury for passengers. The basic screen shows in landscape mode and only the right edge has three icons by default for Petrol, Toilets and Food.
In one of my test journeys of around 30 miles it never found any Toilets surely a gap in the market.
On certain sections it goes into dual screen mode which is still very clear and gives good information.
One test route my normal way from ‘A’ to ‘B’ is not what any map would choose but the three occasions it would have gone another way it very quickly recalculated to my way and it was powerful enough to never lose where I was even through a tunnel.
If you travel a lot then something like this is a must, even if the routes you use are the same the day will come when a road is blocked for whatever reason and you need an alternative.
The Garmin nuvi 68 lm is available from the link below for £149.99.