Neither of these are what you may expect. The Rubik Cube is a speaker available from the Science Museum the Mouse has a hedgehog type covering but the spikes are soft and will not prick it comes from Brando in Hong Kong.
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Rubik’s Cube USB Speaker
An 8.5cm cube with blue, yellow, green and white sides, the back where the connections enter is orange and the front where the speaker grill is red but with the black showing through. All the links between the nine squares of each colour are black; however these do not move the only connections are on the back on this fun unit.
The bottom line of three squares on the back has the connections, on-off slider, USB power input and Auxiliary input from your music device.
The speaker is five watts and gives a distinct uplift from an ‘i’ device of MP3 players internal offering so be ready to turn the volume down.
I also tested it with a PC and using the supplied .6metre 3.5mm lead got quite acceptable mono sound from it.
It also comes with a standard .6metre USB lead to give you power to the unit, as it has no memory that is the only purpose.
I can see this being a gift for those who do not know what to buy someone and also for the person who you think has everything. It does what it says and it does look quite decretive sitting on a table or a desk in use or not.
The Rubik’s Cube Speaker is available from the link below for £20
The Science Museum site has lots of unusual gifts that could solve a problem or three.
Hedgehog Optical Mouse

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Why cover a mouse with pieces of rubber in points? Well this is described as a massage mouse. Its purpose apart from being a perfectly acceptable USB mouse is to stop sweating for those using the mouse for long periods.
It comes in pink or blue and is quite small at 8.5x6.5x5cm and weights only 60grams, the rubber cover can be removed should you wish.
In a normal size hand it sits quite comfortably and the rubber spikes do stop the hand from sweating without effecting mouse control, both the mouse buttons and the scroll wheel are uncovered and it works precisely as it should.
It comes with a 1.4metre USB lead meaning that even if you connect via a rear port on a PC you should have enough lead.
Yes it’s a gimmick and if you do not suffer from sweaty palms when using the mouse not any real advantage, but if you do then it could help. It looks a little strange but the small size and weight might even suit a child’s hand.
The Hedgehog Optical Mouse is available from the link below for $18 + $3 P&P whatever the size of your order.
The Brando site in general has thousands of items suitable for USB gifts.