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This iHP 960 4K streaming webcam measures 11cm deep, 5cm wide with support and 6cm from base of folded support to top of camera. The only other items in the box are a 1.5metre USB ‘C’ to USB lead and a getting started sheet.
Let’s start with the instructions they are one of those multi language sheets that say very little and expect the six illustrations to say everything.
Once you have plugged in the camera to a USB3 port very little seems to happen even on a fast Windows 11 machine. After a few minutes it tells you that you need to reboot, this also produces nothing so you revert to reading the small amount of information in the getting started sheet and then go to Microsoft Store and from there you download the HP Accessory Store once this loads you have a screen that shows the camera and providing you have removed its cover you see whatever the camera sees in 4K resolution. Then thinking all is done you are told you need to install a driver luckily this installs without requiring yet another reboot.
I also during my test period installed this on a Windows 10 – older system – machine and it took even longer and a lot of people I know would have packed it up and returned it, something needs to be done with the install and if possible do away with the reboot which on an older system is a long process and most of all give instructions on the screen so people know something is happening through this laborious process.
On next boot you still have to manually open the HP Accessory Store to get to use the 4K webcam up and running. Once into it you have options to set the field of view to 78 degrees, 90 degrees or 100 degrees. It is also possible to change the cameras resolution from the default of 1920x1080 30FPS to 1280x720 30FPS.
Should you need to the brightness, contrast and sharpness are also easily adjustable.
The camera itself gives brilliant images and for those who need 4K it works well but to get it installed is something in its current form few will put up with.
At the time of publication the HP 4K Webcam is available from Amazon for £182.12.