It’s over a year since I told you about the indoor version and here at last is the promised outdoor version, it seems CE compliance takes longer than everyone thought. So here the camera that can work between -25c and +45c and it has no wired connection.
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Slightly larger back to front than the indoor but apart from that it works in virtually the same way, the only difference rather than automatically shining a light when full colour images cannot be given because of lack of light this uses infra-red to give you a sharp image.
Most cameras show an LED when they are capturing either still or movie images however if you look closely there is an option on the camera – with the aid of a small screwdriver – to turn this off if you would rather not tell the intruder he/she/they have been detected. Of course with an external camera the intruder seeing the LED might decide not to go further.
It is 6.5x6.5x2.5cm and it weights 127grams, the internal camera weights 104grams and could be used outside provided it has shelter from prevailing weather under an overhang for instance.
Just like the internal camera the supplied batteries are stated to last up to two years, it uses good quality standard alkaline offerings.
There is a click in fitment that allows you to set the area covered and a single screw is the only thing needed to hold it in place.
To change the batteries and the setting that turns off the LED capture warning requires the back of the camera to be removed this is necessarily a snug fitting to ensure a waterproof seal.
The actual lens is slightly bigger and by default will centre slightly down in its view.
The same control box as used with the original Blink indoor unit can also work with this outdoor unit and should you wish the outdoor unit can be used inside with infra-red replacing full colour in reduced or no light.
While this is not intended as a 24 hour surveillance unit it does detect movement and outside this is perhaps vital to turn the sensitivity down where trees and buses are around or you will get lots of false alerts also perhaps angle it to avoid ground level so if there is wildlife around it does not get triggered by say a fox.
Apart from colour my original was white and outside is black the back connector is a more robust offering that is totally external where the original clicked into the back of the unit.
Blink is totally wire free which means you can move both the original and the XT external cameras easily. The cameras link wirelessly to a sync module that connects via an Ethernet cable to your router, any movement is captured by default as a five second clip which is sent to your phone, so any activity is captured and saved and should the worst happen and someone breaks in you have the evidence, these clips are stored online.
The Blink XT camera is available for £119.99 from Amazon. If you do not have any other Blink cameras you will also need a sync unit around £90, but if you have the original camera unit and sync modules already then the XT will connect up via the same sync unit.