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It can also work in the reverse direction so a Bluetooth enabled device can stream to your quality speakers in your audio system, truly a two in one device and unusually for Brando the Kings of everything USB no USB charging is involved, however there is a USB on one end of the dongle.
So to keep things simple I shall call receiving mode ‘RX’ and transmitting mode ‘TX’. This works to the same distance as any other Bluetooth device if there are no obstructions then up to around 10 metres. If you have solid walls as I do then this is probably one or just about two rooms away.
The dongle is 2x1.5x1cm and has a 3.5mm socket on one end. Also in the package is a 1 metre 3.5 to 3.5mm lead and a single side of instructions that are in a readable font.
In ‘TX’ mode it can also allow those with impaired hearing to wear a pair of Bluetooth Headphones so that the whole street need not you’re your non Bluetooth TV as another example. It also works for those who still have vinyl so the headphone out on your deck can be modernised to allow you get further away, sadly it cannot turn the record for you.
In ‘RX’ mode it means that headphones or speakers can receive the output from your Bluetooth phone.
The features of this Bluetooth dongle also enable you to listen to music on your notebook or PC via headphones without being tethered.
I tested it in both ‘TX’ and ‘RX’ modes. To switch modes you do need to de energise the unit but everything is explained in the 14x10.5cm instruction sheet.
The version of Bluetooth is the latest widely available V 5.0.
So for $16 (US) with free shipping which at the current UK exchange rate is around £12.30 your audio system can be heard anywhere within range without annoying others with an increased volume level and for those who normally use a very long audio lead think of the trip hazard that can be avoided.
Available from the link below for $16 (US) and shipping is free wherever you are in the world.