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Do you remember the Mix Tape
For those of you of the younger vintage before the CD were cassette tapes, these contained audio like an LP – hope vinyl is in your memory – however they were the first easy way to copy music so buy a 45 and copy it for your friends.
Here is the up to date version for those trying to woo (impress) a friend and perhaps promote more than a friendship so in modern parlance they become an item or partnership through music of whatever style or type happens to be that persons taste.
In my day it was normally the boy who gave the tape but these days who knows.
It is 10x6.5x1cm almost the same as a cassette tape box was; the cassettes were a tad larger and a bit thicker.
They always had a card insert where you wrote the track name and other details.
You still get this with this item but instead of the case being made of plastic its card with an insert for the supplied 1GB memory stick.
The card description label folds over to cover the memory stick but in the one sent to me to review the card would not stay shut even when the stick was in the case, maybe a bit of Velcro to hold it shut or perhaps a little piece of ribbon to wrap it up in.
Whatever tracks you want you transfer to the memory stick and then this small gift may or may not do the business.
When the Mix Tape was all the rage the world expected less and I feel that the other person is more likely to expect it sent to their phone or music device rather than to have tracks handed over in person.
It’s a gimmick that may work or possible backfire in an unpleasant way you choose.
The Mix Tape USB Stick is available from the link below for £14.95.

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A circular coffee cup 10cm deep and 9cm across that will hold around 15% more than a standard ½ pint mug and sculptured to provide a place for your bottom lip between the lip of the mug and the top of the mask.
I weighted some standard ½ pint mugs and they weighted around 260 to 280 grams, the Robocup weights 426grams with all that extra china in it.
The inside is grey as is the mask bit and the base the rest apart from the lower part of the face is jet black. The face has a light pink tinge.
The handle is man sized so by default I will call this a man’s mug and drinking your coffee or other beverage out of it makes this mug stand apart and maybe the one for the office boss especially if you are trying to get a message over to whoever it is.
This is a well made fun item but it could be somewhat overpriced. It is available on the link below for £12.95.