First an apology these arrived sometime ago and a friend said great could he borrow them for a couple of days as he was compiling a quiz. I forgot and he forgot and it is months later when I got them back so this is a very late review.
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Guinness World Records change all the time but some are more difficult to break than others, some are just crazy but others are just amazing.
These are on a pack of near normal playing cards, they are slightly bigger than some at 11x7cm the backs are of course identical or they could not be standard playing cards but I doubt to many games will be played as the 54 rather different facts are on the faces of the cards.
Some have more than one Guinness Record like the number of spoons that can be balanced on a face. The longest ironing marathon and the most rubber bands stretched over the face in one minute which adorn one of the jokers. All of those could be broken without needing special tools.
Some are more extreme and indeed would need special skill like the 8 of spades the most car windows smashed in two minutes with bare fists. Certainly not one for the novice to try and where does one get all the car windows from.
That last fact would be a great fact to get a party going and while you could play a game with the cards the facts are the talking points.
Some of course require skills most will never have like the ability to fit into a suitcase which may suit the world’s shortest man this would not suit the heaviest bodybuilder three more facts to be found on this set of cards.
A couple of ‘longest’ may be something that could be achieved or just aspired too, the longest time to hold a person above your head found on the 10 of hearts and the longest duration balancing on four fingers on the five of hearts.
A couple for a senior citizen the most tattoos on the 7 clubs and the oldest stripper on the jack of hearts without giving to much away it’s a man.
One nice thing is that this pack of cards is designed in the UK.
I did play a few games of cards with them but in most cases the facts on the cards made the games elongated or stop altogether.
They are a well made product and sure to be a talking point. Available from the link below for £3.99