This is a scale that can help in the fight against Obesity. However it also does other things giving you other reading while on the scale, you decide from a list in the App and just for good measure it will give you the weather forecast, for those who weigh themselves first thing in the morning this may help you decide what to wear.
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click image to enlargeThe Withings Body Cardio scales measure 32x32x1.2cm with a central bar to help you keep your feet apart. There is a 7x4cm display window. The numerals displayed are 2cm tall and very easy to read.
While being naked during weighing yourself is not essential you do need to have bare feet to get the best from the scale as certain features require bare feet.
Weight is the first figure to be given and once displayed then your name is shown top left as this unit can recognize up to eight people without you needing to do anything. It then shows a screen that displays the amount + or – since your last use. At the initial setup you decide if you want the display in kilos or pounds.
Next it tells you your percentage of body fat and then percentage of body water. While you are still pondering those it then displays a couple of graphics to tell you the Weather.
Next in this quick fire list is what it calls Blood Pressure but as it is a single figure this is actually your Pulse. Next is PWV, - pulse weight velocity - more info of that to follow, next the dreaded BMI – body mass index – that decides if you are obese or not and finally your Muscle weight.
This whole process takes 45 seconds and all that transfers to your phone assuming you are within Wi-Fi distance. The recently reviewed SmartWatch used Bluetooth and indeed the scale can as well but the default is to use Wi-Fi. All the data from both the watch and the scale are stored in the Google Health App on my Android phone. I am told it also does the same with Apple Health although I have not tried this as I have no Apple devices.
With the current Pandemic you can have all this information on hand to give to your doctor on a phone call or video consultation as you are unlikely to get a face to face meeting.
Now although I have reviewed a good number of medical devices over the years I had never heard of PWV. Each time your heart beats it induces a wave along your Aorta and your arterial tree. This pulse is due to blood volume changes in the vessels that expand and contract.
The scale comes with a USB lead to charge the scale this fits into the side of the unit and then either to a USB port on your computer or onto a USB plug front the lead only charges the device and has no other purpose.
At the time of publication the Withings Body Cardio Scale is available in either black or white from Amazon for £129.95.