Here I am looking at two items that could well be solutions for a couple of Christmas ideas. Secret Identity is a game for both older children and adults. The second also ticks two boxes most will know what Top Trumps are, a set of playing cards, but they are always on a theme with great images, here the images are Sports Cars something that will appeal to all the people that cannot afford the real thing.
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Secret Identity
This is not an easy game to master, so it is not for younger children, the stated age is 10+ having said that the object is to make people guess your card which is probably the exact opposite to what the object of most other games objectives are.
Unlike a lot of games for several players you need to be sober to get the best from it. It can be played by a minimum of three players and a maximum of eight players. You will need a level playing surface such as a good sized table.
The rules initially seem complex but after a bit of thought, thinking in a different way means you will probably be the winner, there is no real luck required just a lot of lateral thinking and most of all everyone needs to have read and reread the rules to enjoy a game where the object is to make others do what you want them to do.
At the time of publication Secret Identity is available from Amazon for £27.
Top Trumps Sports Cars
A set of playing cards but instead of each card being of Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts or Spades each one has an image of a Sports Car and not just any old sports car but some of the most expensive in the world. Things like when it was made, how many were made and how much it might cost are the facts that are shown on the card face.

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These and other facts make up the game and for some just looking at the cars and drooling, others might want to play the game.
Top Trumps have been around for years what changes are what the set of cards are based on and some will know facts for many different packs others just play the game.
Looking at Amazons site shows dozens of different Top Trumps card games they are stated as suitable for 6+ but many who covert these cards will be adults.
The pack here consists of 30 cards with Sports Cars, plus one card with the rules, another ‘Collect Five’ card and a promotional card 33 in all.
At the time of publication the Top Trumps Sports Cars game is available from Amazon £5.60.