Happy Holidays 

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With locations to visit and puzzles to solve, this next game can help occupy your time.

Happy Holidays Christmas Miracle

Wishing you a Happy Holiday's greeting, GameOn Production has developed a mixture of puzzle challenges that have been spread over various locations.  This game is available with adjustable volume levels for music and sound effects plus full screen viewing with a custom cursor and a choice of English, French or German language for playing the game.

Covering six precise locations, the game will then deliver five puzzles of different types at each of its locations.  In order to progress through the six initial locations, the player must earn themselves at least five stars, by tackling the presented puzzles, which will then grant them access to the next available location.  Stars are awarded for completing, rather than just giving up, each mini game.  As usual with content that is laid out in this manner, you are permitted to move back through the available list of locations to revisit a previous location but forward movement is only allowed once the necessary levels have been completed.

The six location, in their presented order, are Festive Room, Christmas Kitchen, Decorated House, Santa Claus Village, Resort and Mall.  Each location will open with a Hidden Object appropriate scene that is well populated with a variety of items.  You will need to find a required list of objects that appear within the scene.  The scene will also contain three gold rings and give access to a second scene via an outbreak of sparkles.  To assist you in finding required items, a Hint feature will be provided and this will need to be recharged after each use.

Prior to entering this particular puzzle, you will have the option to select the method used to display the required items.  This list could be in text, silhouette or part of an item.  By tackling this puzzle three times, using a different list presented method, you can earn up to three stars towards your progression.

Along with the Hidden Object  puzzle, the location will feature four more puzzle offerings.  Making a regular appearance throughout the various locations are puzzles designed to Spot the Difference and Find Identical items.  When playing the Spot the Difference puzzle, you are granted the choice of Easy or Hard version.  Both types can be selected in order to earn two stars.  Finding identical items does not give you this choice and is, perhaps, a misnomer as some of the pairs come in varying sizes rather than being identical.

Other possible offerings within the location's five puzzles could involve a jigsaw, matching linked symbols in a grid, swapping pieces of a scene to find their correct position and arranging silhouette images in their correct position.  Some puzzles could offer Easy or Hard versions to aid your search for stars.  Among this type could be puzzles when swapping elements in a scene, arranging icons in Sudoku fashion and finding words arrange in a square.  There is also a Tetris type puzzle to fill a designated space.

Once the initial six locations have been completed and the necessary stars earned from puzzle solving, you will gain access to the product's Collector's Editor format.  This bonus content will feature three further locations, namely Porch, Private Yard and City, that each hold five puzzles.  You also get four wallpaper scenes plus a Your House feature which can be decorated by purchasing items using the gold coins earned from the Hidden Object puzzles.

Happy Holidays can be downloaded from where it is priced at $19.99.  This title is also available from Big Fish Games priced at £16.37.  The game requires a 1.0 GHz processor with 1024MB of RAM and 2.28MB of hard disk space running Windows 7 and later.

Happy Holidays - Christmas Miracle Collector's Edition | Big Fish Games

Happy Holidays - Christmas Miracle Collector's Edition | GameHouse

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