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Ghosts of Misty Hill
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Arriving from Domini Games outpouring of Hidden Object Adventure titles is City Legends – Ghosts of Misty Hill. I have been looking at the company’s Collector’s Edition version of the game which comes with a number of bonus items. As usual with bonus items, some will be available immediately while others, such as Mini Game and Hidden Object puzzles, require you to have tackled then first in the main game before being granted access. You will need to complete the main game in order to attempt a bonus chapter.
When setting up the game to suit your style of playing, Ghosts of Misty Hill offers the standard Domini Games choice of adjustments. The creation of profiles will allow different players to have their progress recorded. Adjustments can be made to volume settings for music, sound effects, ambience and voice dialogue plus the ability to view the game in full screen mode with an adjustable brightness which I found useful as I felt some scenes tended to be rather dark. Depending upon your skill level, you can select from Casual, Advanced, Hardcore or Custom difficulty levels which offer varying degrees of assistance.
The game opens as you receive a plea for help from a writer friend, called Michael Ring, who has checked himself into the Misty Hill Treatment Centre. Upon arriving at the Treatment Centre, you discover a rather dilapidated outside appearance and a ghostly figure inside who issues a warning regarding your safety. Ignoring this warning, you set about discovering what has happened to the writer and the state of affairs existing in Misty Hill.
A standard collection of tools are provided to assist your tasks. Arranged from left to right are your current task, a map, inventory, an occasional step-back a scene option, Strategy Guide and a rechargeable Hint feature. The game’s inventory is rather restrictive in that it limits you to just seeing five items at one go. To see more you will need to scroll the contents left and right using chevrons.
A pop-out tag on the left of the scene will provide background information regarding any progress made with collectibles made up of medical equipment, pages of Michael’s latest manuscript and prescriptions found during your investigation. An outbreak of sparkles will indicate the presence of a Hidden Object scene. Your mouse cursor will change shape to show when certain actions are possible.
Your investigation at the Treatment Centre and its surrounding areas, including secret rooms, will take in tales of evil spirits, the use of magic, playing and winning board games while discovering friends are not always friend and nursing could be cover for a different occupation.
A various times you will encounter a mini game puzzle or a Hidden Object challenge with both offering a variety of game styles. In the case of mini game puzzles you can select either an Easy or Hard version of the puzzle. If you do not fancy the Hidden Object challenge then you can switch to Match 3 game play whenever the mood takes you.
At times the game had a rather bitty feel to it with numerous switching between locations especially after carrying out a single task. I found myself longing for the end of the game before I actually got there. I downloaded my copy of the game from where it is priced at $19.99. You can also download the game from Big Fish Games priced at £15.92. The game requires a 2.0 GHz with 1024MB of RAM and 1.38GB of hard disk space running Windows 7 and later.
City Legends: Ghost of Misty Hill Collector's Edition | Big Fish Games
City Legends - Ghost of Misty Hill Collector's Edition | GameHouse
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