Again looking towards Christmas two items to give as ideal presents, the first for someone with an urge to learn and the second for some who just wants to play, but even playing with this helicopter uses and improves dexterity skills.
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6 in 1 Educational Solar Kit
A little like the Airfix kits I remember as a child this box has all the bits required to build six different items that all work using solar power. Perhaps a strange thing to promote as a Christmas gift but during the dark days you can build and then when the lighter days arrive the unit is ready to be used, all the best things are worth waiting for.
The six items that you can build are a Revolving Plane, Windmill, Plane, Airboat, Puppy and Car all take advantage of the solar unit provided.
They are stated to work outside in sunny conditions and even indoors under a halogen lamp of 50watts upwards.
The box states for 10+ but I can think of several younger children that could use the kit with a little supervision from a parent or older child.
It comes with a rather good 32 page manual that clearly shows how to build the gearbox and solar panel and also which of the parts are required to make which of the items mentioned. The only tools stated to be required are a pair of diagonal cutters.
The 6 in 1 Educational Solar Kit is available from the link below at £12.99, best of all no batteries are required.

Terminator Salvation Helicopter
This is described as for 8 years + and while you need skill to control it. The control required is nothing like that needed for earlier generations of helicopters. This is simple because of the twin rotor blades.
It is 14x8x9.5cm and grey and black immediately making it look menacing. The controller is 14x9x3cm.
Bladez Toys are a licensee for the Warner Brother Film Terminator Salvation on which the helicopter is based. Lots more details including a video on the Bladez site details at the end.
This is an indoor helicopter and you will require 6x‘AA’ batteries to insert in the controller.
It is easy to control (even by a senior citizen like me) the front page of the Quick Start Guide has nine things to do including inserting the batteries to get you flying, I did them and got it flying. The 12 page guide has lots more advice to improve your control and ability.
It is possible for up to three of those to get involved in battles with each other again see their website for details.
All details and the demonstration video are available from the link below for £40.
You'll also find the Terminator Salvation helicopter available from Amazon from £36.99.