This hard backed book is entitled ‘The Quiz of 2022’, the program is one of the BBC’s most popular ‘Have I Got New For You’. I don’t get to read many books as most of my reading is online and while some might tuck themselves up with their Notebook or Tablet turning the page on a book in your hand is a rather different experience.
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HIGNFY stated in the 90’s and Paul Merton and Ian Hislop have been there for almost all of the programs. In basic terms it’s a show that’s a quiz about the news. For the first twelve years the host was Angus Deayton, now there are a whole range of hosts.
Even though there is a round that includes Liz Truss on Prime Ministers and I am writing this to coincide with publication day it’s out of date but that’s no surprise, perhaps the bigger surprise is she was there long enough to get a mention.
Still on prime ministers a question on the back cover of the book ‘On Friday 8th July what did Madame Tussauds Blackpool do with their Boris Johnson Waxwork?
The book has over 400 pages and reading it in my own home brought tears to my eyes not least because I currently have a cold and even laughing made me cough.
Some of the questions out of context seem strange but there is often a twist in the answers that may have passed you by at the time.
While I received this copy just over a week before it was published I spent most of last weekend reading it and even my cold seems to have enjoyed it.
The fifteen questions in the ‘Spot the Fake Channel Four Shows’ was one that seems to remain with me. Without spoiling it there were eight real and seven fake ones.
Badly translated Quotes is another that seemed popular and out of context they seem even stranger.
Often a true fact seems stranger than those not so and the ad libs added afterwards often make it seem even less believable.
While 2022 was on the whole a very depressing year if you look really hard then there are some good bits and this book may help you find some of them.
This is published by Sphere and is sure to be a best seller, an ideal Christmas Gift, the ISBN is 9781408727102
At the time of publication the Have I Got News For You: The Quiz of 2022 is available from the Amazon for only £10.99 or those who do read on their devices the Kindle version is £8.49