Dual Painting Processes 

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Continuity to give you a choice of colouring methods, AWIGOR has released version 2 of its latest software

Art by Numbers 2

As you might suppose from its title, Art by Numbers 2, is the follow-up offering to AWIGOR's previous product.  Following the pattern created by the initial offering, this follow-up title continues to deliver the tools needed to "paint by numbers" and indulge in some "free colouring action" to show off their artistic eye.  Whatever your choice of producing coloured output, you can use any of the 72 detailed sketches as your starting point.

Presented in photo album format, Art by Numbers 2 comes with 72 outlined sketches.  These images are spread out, eight-to-a-page, over nine available pages.  By cycling through the pages, you can make your choice of the sketch that will become the focal point of your artistic work whether by using "paint by numbers" or "free colouring".

When opting for a "paint by numbers", your chosen sketch will be taken to a work area and positioned alongside a panel holding the various tools available to you as the artist.  These tools include a numbered colour palette plus tools to magnify the sketch. alter the background colour, restore a magnified view to its default state and access a Hint feature to locate a numbered section. 

Working in this "paint by numbers" mode you are given the option of proceeding in two different ways.  You can either work through the sketch using the numbers in sequence or randomly select the numbers by concentrating on specific areas.  If necessary you can magnify the sketch using the mouse wheel and move around the sketch area by dragging using the right mouse button.  Sometimes magnification might be required to find very small sections especially those too small to show their number although numbers do appear when the mouse cursor hovers over a section.

When making the decision to work in "free colouring" mode, this decision will need to be made from the game's title screen, your mode of operation will need to switch from working with numbers to working with colours.  The sketch display with stay the same but the panel will show some changes.  Numbers are removed from the colour palette so that your colour selection is free to be placed within any section of the section.  You also have access to make adjustments to the chosen colour by working with a hue selector and a colour field facility to get the effect you want.

I have to admit that when comparing the results I achieved with the same sketch, the "paint by numbers" version tended to be more visually impressive that my attempts at "free colouring" mode.  This result was probably more to do with the product than my artistic ability.

I downloaded my copy of this title from priced at $9.99.  System requirements call for a 1.6 GHz processor with 1024MB of RAM and 99MB of hard disk space running Windows 7 and later.

Art by Numbers 2 | GameHouse

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