Tablets are great when out and about, however when back in the office be it at home or at work it is nice to have a larger screen to view the output but a lot of Tablets have few connections on the unit to save space, some in fact have just a single USB ‘C’ port used for charging and connecting external devices so this USB ‘C’ to HDMI lead can solve the problem.
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This converter cable is 19cm long from the tip of the USB ‘C’ end of the lead to the point where your HDMI lead is inserted. At the other end is a 3.5x3x1.5cm connection area.
While most will use this for the times they want to read or work on a long document or view a long or complex webpage without recourse to strong glasses, it is well known that staring at internet pages and the like on small Tablets or Notebooks is a major cause of headaches.
This is just a simple plug in and it connects and with Windows you will normally be able to choose to either view the same screen on the large panel or to view another page to the side.
So while you might normally use the USB ‘C’ port to charge your Tablet it can also be used to connect to an external panel. It also should be capable of displaying movies far larger on the panel and often in far higher resolutions up to 4K.
According to their website it also works on MAC devices but as I do not have any I cannot verify this.
Also according to their website it should work with Android 10, 11 and 12 SmartPhones. In my tests on three separate Android 10 and 11 units it did not.
So while it worked correctly with Windows Tablets and Notebooks that is all I can comment on, and in those cases it’s just plug it into the USB ‘C’ port on the device and then connect the HDMI cable from your panel to the NewerTech lead and it works immediately.
NewerTech USB ‘C’ to HDMI cable is available from the link below for $22.99 plus shipping.