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The total length of the lead from USB ‘C’ to 3.5mm socket is 20cm; add another 2.8cm centimeters if you do not have USB ‘C’ for connecting via the USB ‘C’ to USB ‘A’ adapter.
Next turn the volume level right down unless you wish to shatter your eardrums.
The THX device is installed and you are ready to listen with much more depth and clarity and a great deal more volume.
Everything you need is on the DAC there is no external software, so it can plug straight into any PC, Notebook, Tablet or Android phone, wait a few seconds and then hear quality sound.
You get the chance to try Tidal for 30 days and they are just about the only streaming service that has Master quality versions, hear it and you will appreciate the difference, there are three LED’s on the side of the DAC that show you the quality of the sound it is working with, Blue 44.1kHz roughly CD quality, yellow high resolution 48kHz or higher, red direct stream quality and purple MQA which is Master Quality Authenticated you may see MQA logo on better quality headphones but this from THX is their first hardware product.
Of course while it can improve sound quality and volume levels it cannot work miracles if what you are playing is MP3 on your phone or tablet you will certainly get more volume in my tests 15-20% volume levels will probably be equal to 80% or higher without the THX Onyx.
As regular readers will know my Genre of choice is Jazz, I played a CD of my music through my Sennheiser headphones, at their normal output of 84%, very enjoyable, then after reducing the volume level to 10% plugged in the THX Onyx and played the same tracks from Tidal in their Master quality after raising the level to 12% I considered I was getting the same volume level as from my CD copy at 84% but I was hearing much more detail, the tracks I was playing were from a quartet and I could place in my head exactly where the four musicians were in relation to each other which I could not from my CD, a good improvement in separation, more clarity, but also with so much more volume available.
My CD is internal to my home PC, I also tested the extra sound quality and volume level on a Notebook, a Tablet and for the greatest sound improvement on two phones one of which does not even have a 3.5mm socket.
The THX Onyx is available in the UK via the razer link below with £10 off the £199.99 price point for accepting their emails.