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So this tool supplied by Robert Dyas could be the answer especially if one metre if quite close enough to get to one if they do freak you out.
Another advantage of the one metre length of the handle is that you do not need to get on a chair for those spiders who are higher up unless of course you have extremely high ceilings.
The head is made of groups of 8cm long white plastic bristles interspersed with single bristles. At the other end of the 1 metre long tool is a click handle that when pressed opens the bristles and entwines the spider much like the spiders web entwines its prey once you unclick at the handle end.
Now you have the spider captured all you need to do is take it outside click the handle again and shake the spider out.
My unit was orange for the main body with green head and trigger part and as stated white bristle. It comes in two pieces which click together. Once clipped together it will not unclip.
There is a clear solid plastic cap to cover the bristles and indeed should hold the spider inside if it is not possible to immediately go outside to release it.
According to the backing card it is called The Buzz or Spider Catcher XL. Should you need practice to catch the spider a 5cm across black plastic spider is provided in the package.
On the back of the card are explanations in ten languages as well as eight full colour diagrams to show both assembly and use of the tool that is claimed not to harm the spider or other insect it may entwine.
I also found it useful to remove spider webs from the corners of room that would otherwise have required a chair to reach.
A simple tool that works well and even those who are freaked out by spiders should be able to use the tool to remove them harmlessly.
The Buzz (Spider Catcher XL) is available from Robert Dyas both in their shops and online from the link below currently for £9.99 on special offer with the normal price being a still reasonable one £14.99.