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It arrived via Amazon three days after ordering. Packed in a large blue outer bag and then the inner bag with the mattress topper rolled inside, there is also a supplied cover.
It has an A5 ‘Care Instructions’ sheet saying that there will be a residual smell that will disappear after a period of time and that the mattress will expand to original shape in around 8-10 hours.
For the first couple of days the smell was quite noticeable, perhaps a suggestion to hang it on a washing line in dry weather for a day would clear the smell quicker. It was not overpowering and I managed to get a reasonable first night.
The size is just a tiny bit larger than the mattress meaning that it can be laid and smoothed to cover your mattress then I applied the fitted sheet over the top making sure all creases were out of both the mattress and the sheet. When I took the sheet off to wash it a week later the mattress topper was still in perfect shape.
I tended to move around a lot more before I had the mattress topper so while it is slightly harder to move from side to side in your sleep with the mattress topper on, it is still possible. The wish to turn is less as any sore points on your body are more shielded by the mattress topper.
I also found that I was warmer in bed as this according to the ‘Care Instruction’ leaflet is because you sink more into the mattress, it does return to flat after you get out of bed.
While I am not saying I magically now get a good night’s sleep I can say that my desire for another hour in bed is no longer there and I feel less tired at the start of the day with the result I am ready to get up an hour earlier rather than feeling exhausted as I did before the Silentnight mattress topper.
Yes I still need to get up during the night to visit the bathroom but that is an age thing.
Trying to put a figure on the improvement is hard but I suppose I get around 60-90 minutes more sleep during the night, that may not sound much but as a bad night previously was only around 60 minutes in total it’s good for me. While I still turn in bed it is far less than previously.
The Silentnight Double Impress 5cm Mattress Topper is available for £75 from Amazon.