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Most will think of Nokia as a mobile phone manufacturer but they have purchased Withings who have long been a name in health and fitness devices.
It is 12cm long and 3cm wide the head is circular for the front 3cm, behind this area is the single control an on/off button, working back from this is a 4cm area made up of 1cm tall figures or letters which are white dots – six to the 1cm height – and that is it.
Download the Nokia App from either the iOS or Android store, enter basic information and your name, then do the same for each other member of your family or group.
A simple push of the button and you then move the Thermo across your fore head from centre to right you will fell a vibration and then a reading is displayed move your finger across the vertical line of dots at the right of the display until your name is displayed and then touch the on/off button and a green LED is displayed.
A longer four second push on the button turns the unit off.
While details are stored on the device they are also transferred via Wi-Fi to your phone. While I am one of the few people that turns my mobile phone off it does not matter as the next time the phone is in range all the readings are transferred.
I would suggest you find what is your normal reading while you are well so when you become unwell you can tell if ‘one degree under’ or ‘two degrees over’ is true in your case.
My normal reading is around 35.9c so when I got a sore throat during my test period followed by a cough and cold my readings of close to 38c were higher than they would be for most.
Many older people could tell you that 98.4f is meant to be the ‘norm’ however do they know that the Celsius equivalent to 98.4f is 36.9c.
I mentioned that the LED will show green within what is termed the ‘normal’ range but it can also show ‘amber’ or ‘red’ the last might need external intervention and for someone with poor eyesight they might be able to see colour when they cannot determine figures without glasses.
There is a 16 side 15x8.5cm Quick Installation Guide that covers everything you need to know this is in six languages with a single item per page which are easy to follow.
The unit runs on two ‘AAA’ batteries which are already installed on arrival.
The Nokia Thermo is available from the first link below for £86.99 with free delivery.