While a lot of people totally rely on their phone to know the time I am not one of them I still prefer a watch. This offering from Fossil is made with around sixteen recycled plastic bottles that go to make up the five straps supplied with the watch. The watch itself has an outer ring that is a solar cell so this and other things help protect the planet.
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The watch has a 42mm dial so suitable for both men and women to wear, However they also do a 34mm dial version.
It comes with five interchangeable straps which come in two pieces and an ingenious fitting mechanism with the lugs fitting top and bottom on the face of the watch. At the connecting end of the strap is a finger nail movement that means no knife or other sharp implement is required to fit into the watch.
Each of the two pieces are doubled over and fit into a metal centre piece. The doubled over pieces are held in place by Velcro fitted on the inside of the strap pieces.
While I am not a fashion conscious person I can see that the five pastel shades of straps can be changed to suit what you are wearing and once you have fitted one strap to switch to another is only a couple of minutes of work.
The five strap colours are royal blue, turquoise blue, yellow, orange and purple.
The watch back is stainless steel while the sides and front and matt black. The face has 12, 3, 6 and 9 with the spaces in between filled by slashes. The hands are white with the sweep second hand being red.
A card in the box has a QR code and if you scan it, enter the watches serial number on its back to claim a tree you can then name it and you are told where it is planted. It is then possible to track its CO2 performance online.
So with this Fossil Solar watch you do not have batteries to worry about, waste plastic is reused to make the straps and a tree has been planted somewhere to help reduce the worlds CO2.
So while this watch was created for World Earth Day it continues to help in a small way for ever.
The Fossil Solar Watch is available from the link below for £129