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Perhaps the first step is to find out what coffee you favourite coffee shop uses and where they get it from. There are plenty of online places that roast beans and despatch them the same day. If you have beans then what you do not want is them to be ground and not used immediately as fresh ground is even more important than how long ago – within reason – they were roasted. Now all you need is a machine to grind and prepare your coffee.
While I read somewhere that this machine is quiet in operation I do not think any machine that grinds can be called quiet but the sound of coffee being ground and brewed will often entice the deepest sleeper from their slumbers.
It is 36.5cm deep with another 9cm required for the preparation area in front, its 19.5cm wide with the ability to access the left side where the water is inserted it’s 31.5cm tall and around 20cm extra space is required above to remove the water tank or to refill the coffee beans holder. However unlike machines in coffee shops you only need to remove the grounds when the container inside becomes full.
There are some machines that can prepare a Latte or Cappuccino this unit only does black but you those who like white in various forms you could just add milk or get an additional unit to heat and even allow you to make fancy offerings. Should you only require white coffee then Melitta have other machines that do that as well.
While there is an App that offers advice, everything you need to know can be found in the 308 page A5 manual that is in twelve languages.
There is no assembly required as this is fully assembled in the box, just remove it place it in an area which is within 80cm of a power socket and plug it in.
Add water it takes around a litre of water and for convenience the water talk lifts out of the top to be taken to the tap. Next add those researched coffee beans into the container on top of the machine, place a cup under the outlet and press the on button on the right of the front of the machine a quick cleaning cycle is done and once you have thrown that small amount of water away you are ready to enjoy your first cup of bean to cup coffee prepared at home or in the office.
The 33 pages in English have plenty of illustrations and cover everything including cleaning and even the once a year descale.
The small control panel on the top of the front of the machine allows you to make either one or two cups at a time; it has controls to cover the strength of the coffee and indeed how fine you want to grind it.
The Purista Series 300 Jubilee Edition is available from the link below for £424.99.