Doro PhoneEasy 624 

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Doro phones have always been easy to use and had features designed to help those with limited sight and or hearing. Now here a unit that looks more like those available to those people without such disabilities to worry about.

Doro Phone Easy 624 Mobile Telephone
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Early phones from Doro were a lifeline for those with severe disabilities, now Doro are trying to offer more and make the units look more trendy so they do not stand out in a crowd to embarrass the ‘normal’ looking user who had a disability.

For a while now Doro units have had a camera this is no exception. What is very new is there remote manager which allows a friend or family member to manage the unit and help make their life easier and still to remain independent.

It is 19x5x1cm when open; it is a flip phone so easy to use even when someone has hand problems. When closed it is 10x5x2cm and it weights 105grams.

When closed the face shows the camera and flash – these of course are on the back when open – two LEDs to show messages and battery state and a screen 3.5x1.2cm that shows a digital clock in .5cm numerals so it should be easy to read, this cuts out when the phone has been open for a period to save battery and at the risk of boring you this is of course now the back.

The internal screen is 5x4cm and forms the top half of the flip, it is not touch controlled and for a lot of people with trembles this is good as you need a solid push on the keys in the lower part of the screen to operate.

There are a total of 22 buttons in the bottom 10x5cm section of the unit all are well spaced so again ease of use.

The screen is controlled by the four buttons at the top of the base part in the form of a +, below this are two buttons a green (answer) and red (end call) with a pin hole microphone in between.

The line below this is ‘A’, ‘B’, camera and email with the last four lines the standard 1 to 0 numerals.

The left side has power input via supplied USB lead and headphone output via 3.5mm socket. The right side has + and – rocker to control volume.

The screen has six basic lines, the top line has icons, the next four lines are options and the bottom line will display options controlled by the + buttons.

There are ten options to flip through on the front screen. As with all Doro units colour schemes are important as certain colours show up better than others yellow on blue is often the areas easiest to see for someone with failing sight. As with all DORO units the volume level can also be set a lot higher both for the user to here the call and the caller.

The camera is only 2MP but is fine for basic shots and the flash is effective. As with almost all DORO phones ICE (in case of emergency) information is stored inside and for someone like a paramedic this information can stop allergic drugs being administered. There is also an emergency button on the rear of the unit and this can be set to circle through friends and relatives till an answer is got.

The DORO PhoneEasy 624 is available from the link below for £109.99 with free delivery.

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