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TRENDnet AC600
If there was a drawback to the AC 1200 reviewed in November it was possibly when moving a notebook around the larger size could possibly cause difficulties.
Size or rather the lack of it is both the plus and minus points for this excellent unit. Size is not that important when used in a static unit with lots of free USB ports, size is vital on a notebook or laptop with limited ports available.
So you may think everything points to having the smaller unit but lack of size comes at a cost in that the transfer speed is somewhat slower.
It is 4x1.6x.6cm and 1.4cm of that is the connector so the amount that protrudes from the USB port is 2.6x1.5x.6cm and most other USB items can sit in the next door port without problem.
The stated speed is 433Mbps and it can connect to a wireless N network at up to 150Mbps.
The connection is as simple as one push on the end of the unit as this has a WPS button so you do not need to even enter your Wi-Fi passcode.
For full details of the AC 1200 read my November review just enter TRENDnet in the front page search box.
You do sacrifice some speed with the AC600 but gain in having a far smaller overall unit and it is cheaper.
The TRENDnet AC600 is available from the first link below for £19.44
OTG USB Memory for Smart Phone
It looks like a fairly standard memory stick and one end has a standard USB connector however the other end has a Micro USB connector.
So you can load data easily from a PC using the micro USB card slot below the USB connector and transfer it to your device be it Smart Phone Tablet or whatever that has a Micro USB port.
The size of memory card you insert is up to you, most modern device will support up to 32GB.
You can also use this method to transfer items such as photos and videos back to the PC using the reverse method.
It is currently available in Blue, Yellow, Pink, Silver and Black.
It costs $12 (US) from the link below and there is a $3 (US) p&p charge however big your order is.
Awake Smart Click
This is a simple device to do a single job. You attach it to the back of your Smart Phone it lies flat on the back until clicked and then it sticks out from either end of the fixing to allow you to prop your phone at an angle for easier reading. This of course frees both hands.
It is unusual in that it is one of the few things coming from the Hong Kong source that does not have USB.
It is 8cm long and 4cm wide at the fixing points, it is only 1mm thick and weights only 2grams.
It costs $12 (US) from the link below and there is a $3 (US) p&p charge however big your order is.