It is not only cartoons that can feature talking feet; you can perform the same trick yourself with a little help from BamZ.
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With different types of footwear gaining fashion icon status, you may perhaps wonder what the next stage (or should that be step) will be in the development of this particular item of clothing. While logos are already an established part of what we wear (especially the fashion conscious who dress to be noticed rather than for comfort), maybe the possibility of some personalised advertising in the form of a message might appeal. This is where BamZ enters the picture with its ability to display, at ground level, a rolling message that is clearly visible to those in our vicinity.
Developed primarily with the younger generation in mind, although it might also appeal to joggers of all ages, BamZ is an interactive insole with built-in sensors and tabs that hold a display unit that hangs out of the back of the shoe or trainer. Suitable for sizes 2 - 6 (EU 35 - 30), the insole can be trimmed to fit a particular size with guide lines to help ensure you do not over-do the trimming process.
As the wearer walks along, so pressure is applied to the insole. A signal is then sent to the display unit which flashes an appropriate message. This message appears one character at a time as the wearer continues on their merry way without a moment's thought. The BamZ insole can be programmed to display the wearer's choice of message consisting up to 40 characters in length. These characters can be letters A -Z, 1 - 9 numerals, and a variety of dancing stick figures, smiley faces and other appealing shapes and symbols. Power is supplied by 6 AG13 (LR44) batteries which are included in the package.
The BamZ insoles, with their capability to "Let the walk do the Talk", are available in single or double packs. In order to ensure a level walking platform, the single pack consists of one BamZ with its flashing message feature and a plain insole. The double pack, as you might expect, is made up of two BamZ insoles which can display a coordinated message across both units or make use of independent messages. A single insole pack costs £9.99 while the double pack has been priced at £16.99.