Winterland Solitaire 

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If you play your cards right, then this game could improve your win ratio.

Winterland Solitaire

There are numerous computer titles, based on the Solitaire card game that are currently available.  In many cases those involved in the development of these digital format of the game have integrated the card playing aspect into a baking story with various interesting additions to suit the gaming experience.  However there are some exceptions to this trend and this next title under review is one such offering.  The product under focus is entitled Winterland Solitaire.

Allowing you to create a suitable working environment, Winterland Solitaire permits you access to certain adjustable options.  Different people can play the game and have their progress and achievements recorded in a profile.   Adjustments can be made to the volume levels of the game's background music and sound effects associated with different game events.  The game allows you to select your choice of card face from four different styles.  During game play some of these card faces will become overlaid with additional emblems.  These overlays will indicate that certain actions will be required before the card can be removed.

The game presents you with the popular Solitaire game play format whereby the player needs to clear cards that are one higher or one lower than the current card from a display.  As befits the game's title, each of the card layouts, with some cards partly covered and others offering their full face, displayed in this title are presented against a backdrop depicting a Winter scene.  The game's content is spread over ten chapters.  Each chapter will contain ten levels of Solitaire game play that require you to remove all the displayed card layout.

At the completion of each level of Solitaire game play, you will be presented with a reward of a Joker card and a bonus Undo move.  While a Joker can be used to represented any card value to help with the remove of part of the Solitaire layout, the Undo option allows you to take back the last action and opt for another approach.   With ten chapters and ten levels plus the automatic delivering of these bonus items, you can quickly build up a supply of these helpful options.  As a result completing each Solitaire clear out is less of a challenge  This makes the game much too easy for most players.

A further disappointment with this game is that it does not keep you informed as to the current chapter and level you are working on.  As a result you are never sure as to how many levels will be needed to be completed for the chapter.  This approach, I suppose, is a way to encourage you to keep on playing

Even without the need to use the Joker and/or Undo options, the game of Solitaire delivered by this game is relatively easy.  There were only a couple of the many Solitaire levels where I was even remotely tempted to use either the Joker or Undo option in order to complete a display clearance.  If you are looking for a challenging gaming experience then this title is definitely not the one.

I downloaded my copy of the game from where it is priced at $9.99.  The game requires a 2.0 GHz processor with 1024MB of RAM and 114MB of hard disk space running Windows 7 and later.

Winterland Solitaire | GameHouse

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