Oct 25, 2008

More than a fresh face for GadgetSpeak! 

GadgetSpeak 2008 site design

Our last newsletter was the day before our new site look and feel was about to go live, and we had all of our fingers crossed for a smooth transition. Luckily everything went very well and I hope you'll agree the updated appearance on GadgetSpeak looks a lot better.

The changes were more than superficial though. As part of the upgrade we incorporated a number of changes requested by large number of people that completed our survey a few months back. Here's a list of the recent changes!

  • Updated appearance (you probably spotted that one!)
  • Gadget offers now included in weekly GadgetSpeak email
  • Improved accessibility
  • New - "Gadget News" section on the front page where talk about new gadgets and industry news we think you'll find relevant. We'll include our own opinions of course, and invite you all to leave comments to cover your own!
  • Improved editor for those of you that want to write up your own reviews (come on - share your ideas with the rest of us!)
  • Profile improvements so you can more easily upload a picture of yourself to your profile.
  • An 'email a friend' link on each article so you can tell others about products you like (or if it pressie time, to drop a great big hint!)


What do you think? Please We've plenty of other ideas - just not enough time! Let us know what else you'd like to see on GadgetSpeak and we'll try and get your ideas into the system!

Thanks as always for your support!

The team at GadgetSpeak


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