Hello everyone,
we've completed the first 3 days draws - winners are gradually being informed and will be added to the winners page. However we've noticed that quite a few people aren't completing the minimum required information in their profile to be entered.
As a reminder - you must include a minimum of your name and phone number. You must also check the email boxes for our newsletters (sent about once a month when I get round to them!) and for our automated weekly updates that include a summary of reviews from the last 7 days. They aren't spammy - don't include any advertising - and we've been told are actually a little interesting :-)
To help you out we've put together a special entry checker page. It's here. If you haven't entered the correct information then it'll tell you what's wrong and let you correct it.
Hope everyone is enjoying the competition - and are taking the chance to look around GadgetSpeak :-)
I think you'll find it doesn't say that...... any more! :-)
I need a full time proof reader - and 48 hours days.
Thank you for pointing that out Bentley!