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Posted Dec 4, 2003
At 12:45
Motorola A920 on three (Update)

Well after a long and hard fight with Three,  they have finally agreed to release the firmware upgrade that will give the phone, BlueTooth,  allow for third party applications to be installed onto the phone (most P800 and P900 software will work) and fix a number of minor bugs.  The upgrade is free too :)

So all we are waiting on now is for three to give us open internet access (which is comming next year) and the phone would be very close to perfect.

Replies to this discussion Total Responses:5
Posted Dec 4, 2003
At 16:37
Motorola A920 on three (Update)(Reply 1)

close to perfect, is that possible?

mind you, i see that Three will be offering 12 days of free video phone use over Christmas.
Posted Dec 9, 2003
At 10:16
Motorola A920 on three (Update)(Reply 2)

I will let you know about close to perfect.  Once the applications start flooding in,  espically ones using the built in GPS then life will be good :)


Yeah,  the free video calling seems to extend to international calling too.   Now if I only new someone on three in Austrialia .... Now that would be a test :)


Posted Dec 9, 2003
At 12:25
Motorola A920 on three (Update)(Reply 3)

never mind someone in Australia, it would be great with someone in UK or Europe!
Posted Dec 12, 2003
At 11:05
Motorola A920 on three (Update)(Reply 4)

He he :)

Posted Nov 21, 2021
At 7:18
Motorola A920 on three (Update)(Reply 5)

Truly decent and intriguing post. I appreciate your effort, you have quality content on Motorola A920, which I have bookmarked for future pursue. Keep it up. I was searching for this type of information and delighted in perusing this one.

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