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Posted Jan 6, 2004
At 10:29
PlayStation 2 - game suggestions?
My daughter got one of these for her 9th birthday - excellent :-) Got a nice silver one. I think it's been on for several days solid now. Will write a review when I get a chance.

Wandered around the games shops in town - hundreds of them all promising to be very good. Guess some of them are - and others - well........ But they are really expensive, seems to be a £10 premium over and above the PC version of the same game.

Any recommendations a) for budget games, think 9 year old - and of course 40 year old dad - hehe b) good places to buy c) must have games. Would love a rally/racing games, for me of course, but there seems to be an endless number of those as well? Recommendations?
Replies to this discussion Total Responses:7
Posted Jan 11, 2004
At 19:58
New PS2 games.....(Reply 2)

Found a few games in the sales, yet to try them though. Have 'Searching for Nemo', 'Disneys Tarzan' and 'Pop Idol' - the latter without dance-mat at the moment because my daughter didn't want to spend an extra £10 of Christmas money on one.

Will report back when we've tried these out!
Posted Jan 12, 2004
At 10:59
New PS2 games.....(Reply 3)

where will you be without the dance mat? ;-)
Posted June 3, 2008
At 7:12
PlayStation 2 - game suggestions?(Reply 4)
Sims, my daughter is mad on them, its like have a barbie set on screen, she is mad on dressing them up rearranging furniture etc.
However not being a complete girlie, her fave games are car racing. Need for Speed Pro Street being her ultimate.
We go to Game or Gamestation and buy Pre Owned, I find them cheaper, we usually check out reviews first.
Posted Apr 18, 2019
At 13:17
Casino(Reply 5)

How can I enjoy this if I don't know about it on best first deposit casino bonuses south africa? I think that we all need to do something else for it and it's what we need. It's going to be hard.

Posted Aug 23, 2019
At 22:05
New PS2 games.....(Reply 6)

Playstation 2 is out-dated now, so why are you asking for game suggestions for this console? You can play the trustly games on your pc easily, and these games are great to play. I can guarantee you will have a great time.

Posted Oct 27, 2019
At 13:31
PlayStation 2 - game suggestions?(Reply 7)

There are many games that you can get for PlayStation 2. if your daughter is interested in animation, get her a t rex game of PlayStation 2. I have actually tried and I like it, buy her that one, it is good.

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