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Posted June 15, 2004
At 8:03
headphones forrunning

I use headphones when running (radio or iPod) and use very simple and inexpensive buds that fit in the ear. I have 2 pairs of Sony buds one with a long lead - for use with the radio which clips to my waist and a short set for use with the iPod which i strap to my arm. The only advice i would give is to conceal the wire under clothing so as to make it more secure - if the wire flaps it will be irritating and also the buds are more likely to fall out....

Sometimes simple is best :)

(again the post reply does not seem to work???)

Replies to this discussion Total Responses:4
Posted June 19, 2004
At 21:41
Re: headphones forrunning(Reply 1)

Bought a pair of Philips headphones that clip around my ears.  The headphone part is the same as the usual (cheap) plug in the ear version, but they have a stalk and a plastic 'thing' that supposedly allows it to fit to any ear.

They fit fine in mine. :-)

A little uncomforatable to wear all day (as I did for gardennng once!) but fine for the odd hour running.

Had them a couple of months - and they cost something like £10.
Posted Jul 23, 2004
At 7:38
Re: headphones forrunning(Reply 2)

these sound like ones i have recently bought - they are Phillips and marketed as 'for running' that basically means that they do not move as they are clamped to the ear. A tad uncomfortable to start but they do not move at all and the sound is good. Perhaps they are uncomfortable as my ears are too big???

Posted Apr 24, 2019
At 11:24
seo(Reply 3)

The headphone for running it is expensive and simple bugs that are created how it can happen how it can be secure.The headphone that is cheap and that remove unknown voices. It supports recognized voices. The headphone is the usual plug of the ear version itself. washington dc vacation ideas

Posted Sep 22, 2019
At 8:59
Essay(Reply 4)

These are the best headphones for running, and I am glad that you've posted the link to buy them here. Once I scam report, I will buy these headphones immediately. They will help me run better.

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