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Posted Oct 22, 2005
At 15:53
Netgear 'Storage Central'

Does anyone know anything about this product? I've seen it mentioned a couple of times and seems like a fairly simple and cost effective way of getting some reliable storage. It takes 2 hard drives and plugs into an Ethernet connection, running RAID mirroring between the drives.

This question is prompted by a chat with somebody that also wants a box like this.

Does anyone know what's inside the box software-wise? We were speculating on a cut-down embedded Linux.

Either way, at £68+VAT from Novatech without drives, or £189+VAT for dual 250G drives this almost seems too good to be true - I'd really like to hear from someone with real experience of this product.


Replies to this discussion Total Responses:1
Posted Oct 2, 2022
At 3:45
Netgear 'Storage Central'(Reply 1)

That's a new thing to access. Like Netgear 'Storage Central' and gonna use it free online. This kind of information and access keys must be provided as it will engagement rings be lot more easy and help for users.

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