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All types of phones, whether they be mobile, office or domestic use.
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Posted Sep 18, 2003
At 9:23
Request for information on mobile phone logo programming, sending, etc.

Hi, yesterday evening a friend asked me if I knew some ressources on where to find specifications on how to program logos for mobile phones and the specifications to send them via the Internet onto the mobile phone (what is needed etc.). I understood that there are specifications for every single mobile phone, but there should be a common standard as well ?!?

Now I know something about programming pages for wap and i-mode, but just static pages - so I cannot be of help.

Is there someone around who can tell me about available services, ressources on the net etc.? I mean: they will need services to be able to send the logos by sms, download via wap to the mobile phone, download to the computer and then transfer it from there to the phone.

Is there anything I did not consider?

Any help would just be wonderful!

Best, Sabine


Sabine Cretella
[email protected]

Replies to this discussion Total Responses:3
Posted Sep 18, 2003
At 14:51
resources(Reply 1)

i know a company that can do a very good solution for you.

feel free to get in touch.

Posted Apr 20, 2012
At 10:38
BlackBerry Mobile(Reply 2)

Thanking you Nice post.

BlackBerry Mobile

Posted June 25, 2021
At 9:58
Request for information on mobile phone logo programming, sending, etc.(Reply 3)

This article on mobile phone logo programming is educational data. This is beneficial for people who like to learn mobile programming. It is presented very efficiently here.  CBD Isolate  It has good content. Thanks for sharing this informative data to study.

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