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Posted Apr 14, 2006
At 15:42
My Canon iP3000 doesn'y print on DVD-R's
I have followed all the instructions and i have used a titanium full face printable dvd-r disc but the printer says that there is no printable disc inserted. I have tried eveerything in the troubleshooting section but nothing works, the printer still does not realise there is a disc in the printer. Is there anyone who knows what i can do to fix this, than you.
Replies to this discussion Total Responses:2
Posted Oct 10, 2019
At 17:38
My Canon iP3000 doesn'y print on DVD-R's(Reply 1)

I think this is an informative post and it is very useful and knowledgeable. therefore, I would like to thank you for the efforts you have made in writing this article. Link Building Service

Posted Aug 8, 2022
At 3:19
hi(Reply 2)

I have the same issue. My Canon iP3000 is not printing properly. It's not printing on DVD-R's. Peter Veres  I was looking for a solution, I hope that the details provided here will help me to solve it.

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