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Posted Mar 29, 2010
At 21:24
Picture drop-out on Humax pvr-9150t

I am a new member and this is my first thread. We have been having picture drop-out at the rate of approx 20 times a minute on a bad day. Does anyone else have this problem.

Replies to this discussion Total Responses:6
Posted Apr 1, 2010
At 4:05
Re: Picture drop-out on Humax pvr-9150t(Reply 1)

As you haven't had any reply so far, maybe it's OKto tell you that this is the place for your Humax PVR problems:


Posted Mar 25, 2019
At 11:08
seo(Reply 5)

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Posted Mar 26, 2019
At 6:48
online shopping(Reply 6)

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