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Posted May 13, 2008
At 15:10
Virgin Box
When the analogue signal is turned off does thast mean that I will have to get a separate virgin decoder box for each tv/different room? Or is there something I can get where I just use the one box ans am able to access it on any tv in the house?
I know Sky have the Multi-room box but do Virgin hasve anything similar as I don't want to psay another 4 x £99 for more boxes.
Many Thanks,
Replies to this discussion Total Responses:4
Posted May 17, 2008
At 12:03
Virgin Box - alternatives(Reply 1)

Not necessarily. Take a look at FreeView - unless there are channels that you really want that are available only on NTL then FreeView is an excellent alternative. With the demise of Sky One on NTL our NTL (guess I should say 'VirginMedia') box is now not in use - we use FreeView instead with a hard-disk recorder.

For other rooms in your house a FreeView decoder can cost as little as £30 and you have nothing else to pay. Many recent TVs now also include a digital FreeView decoder in the box - so you may already have something suiteable.

Posted Apr 8, 2019
At 10:13
seo(Reply 2)

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Posted Oct 1, 2019
At 5:39
Virgin Box(Reply 3)

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Posted Mar 23, 2020
At 19:00
Forums(Reply 4)

Yeah I had heard about it on the best forum on the following website I think you can be useful there with a lot of up to date information that you have.

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