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Posted Dec 23, 2003
At 21:58
iPod's SOLD OUT!
just been reading a London newspaper, and apparently most of the top stores in London are sold out of all their iPod's.

hardly a surprise as it is such a fantastic gadget!

Replies to this discussion Total Responses:5
Posted Dec 23, 2003
At 22:10
Re: iPod's SOLD OUT!(Reply 1)

Haven't got one - but had a play with one in John Lewis - mch smaller than I thought and felt really good.

It's definitely on my "want to have" list.
Posted Dec 23, 2003
At 23:11
Re: iPod's SOLD OUT!(Reply 2)

it is very nice, and apparently designed by a British guy Jonathan Ive.
Posted Jan 7, 2004
At 14:06
IPOD's sold out !!!(Reply 3)

I bought mine from the applestore without any problem and a bit cheaper than the high street (£277 vs £299) Amazon also have them for £289 with free delivery....

Posted Feb 20, 2019
At 7:16
It is very nice(Reply 4)

It is very nice, clicker heroes online

Posted Feb 26, 2019
At 11:58
seo(Reply 5)

This is an entertainment relating site. The DVD all the video and video systems are enjoyed well. By spending the free time all of us watch entertainment programs like films, diamonds rings for cheap TV shows etc. I hope all of us watch the news related channels also

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