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Posted Feb 19, 2004
At 10:12
Thousands rush to order iPod mini
Apple says it has had more than 100,000 pre-orders for its newest digital music player, the iPod mini.

The credit card size player can store about 1,000 songs in its internal 4GB memory, and comes in five colours.

The little sister of the successful iPod goes on sale in the US on Friday, and the rest of the world in April.

Read more here

Replies to this discussion Total Responses:3
Posted Apr 10, 2004
At 10:26
Mini iPod shipment date?(Reply 1)

Been hearing rumors that Apple are struggling with disk supplies and with more orders than they can cope with in the US and have delayed shipment to Europe. Anyone know when?

Guess this is a great opportunity for another company to target the European market with an iPod like product to help satisfy that pent up demand!

Posted Apr 3, 2019
At 11:25
seo(Reply 2)

good day

Posted Apr 4, 2019
At 3:42
seo(Reply 3)

Thousands rush to order iPod mini. Most of them have an iPod mini. Because it has more features than normal phones. It contains the newest digital music players. The internal memory is 4GB. It can available at an offer price.destination wedding

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