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Posted June 15, 2004
At 8:09
Jukeboxes, running and hard disks...

i have hammered my iPod on the tramac (not to mention my knees, ankles and hip joints) and it performs great - there is the occassional 'sticking' but to tell you the truth that happens when it's sat on my desk so no biggie there....performs as well as you would expect and better than any Cassette/CD/MD Player i have tried before...

For perfect results the best thing would seem to be a radio! I use a Sony FM radio that is about 5 years old and is brilliant - never let me down and batteries seem to last forever! What's better than a summer evening run listening to Adrian Durham on 1053 MW!!! Or Alabama 3 on the iPod for that matter!

(post reply still not working)

Replies to this discussion Total Responses:5
Posted Nov 14, 2004
At 10:03
Jukeboxes, running and hard disks....(Reply 1)

I've just got a Sony NW HD1 20G jukebox. Has lots of good and bad points, which when I've played a little more I'll put into an article.

I have however taken it out for a run. 5Km over pavement and not one skip. Frightenned as hell that is was going to fall out of the little pouch it was in. I really didn't want to test Sonys claim of surviving a 1m drop onto a hard surface!
Posted Dec 12, 2018
At 10:49
Picassi and His Women(Reply 2)

I agree with Picasso and his women. I have been in this situation and it made me feel very uncomfortable as I am sure it does you. Tell this guy the truth; that you need him to back off. If he doesnt respect that then he isnt really interested in you but merely looking for a trophy to wear on his arm.

Posted Mar 5, 2019
At 10:49
seo(Reply 3)

Here mentioned about entertainment. All of them spent their free time spending in front of the DVD audio and video systems. We are very much enjoyed at that time. We didn’t bother anything at that time. Thank you for being part of the site. cable providers in my area

Posted Mar 21, 2019
At 8:46
Great(Reply 4)

I got to know about the paper patterns in the examination because of happy wheels

Posted Apr 13, 2019
At 14:55
Essay(Reply 5)

Haha, it was just another interesting article I came across today. Althoguh there was nothing good on speedy paper to have a look at. People these days are really getting into the writing field.

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