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Posted Mar 30, 2010
At 19:05
tom tom 140 gps

This is my first GPS and I think it's great! I bought it for my wife for a trip from Buffalo to Philadelphia, to DC., to Columbia, SC. I met her there and continued to several cities in Florida and ending in Miami. Then the return to Buffalo. It tells you which lane to be in and how many feet before turning.The ETA is nice too. Plus, the extra features are great, like locating hospitals, veteranarians, police stations, restaurants, gas stations and much more![url=]sport bets[/url]

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Replies to this discussion Total Responses:4
Posted Mar 30, 2010
At 19:06
tom tom 140 gps(Reply 1)

On Mar 30, 2010 20:05 drchinni83 wrote

This is my first GPS and I think it's great! I bought it for my wife for a trip from Buffalo to Philadelphia, to DC., to Columbia, SC. I met her there and continued to several cities in Florida and ending in Miami. Then the return to Buffalo. It tells you which lane to be in and how many feet before turning.The ETA is nice too. Plus, the extra features are great, like locating hospitals, veteranarians, police stations, restaurants, gas stations and much more!

Posted Oct 4, 2016
At 10:22
tom tom 140 gps(Reply 2)

nice.keep it up

your information are use usefull for me.


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Posted Mar 22, 2019
At 11:50
seo(Reply 3)

The GPS tracking system is very much help we can find the directions easily. Through the global position system, the extra features for locating the various spots. This is something related to satellite position

Posted Mar 30, 2020
At 15:07
tom tom 140 gps(Reply 4)

The customer reviews of this product of the polygel nail kit is very good and they also love their quality as well. I am considering to buy this product and share my experiences as well as my reviews about it soon. Make sure you guys check it out as soon as I post it online.

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