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Posted Jul 26, 2005
At 14:21
Updated specs for Apple iBook and Mac Mini
Faster processors and more memory. The iBook also includes a natty little feature to detect sudden motion and quickly (presumably) parks the disk-heads.

The Mac Mini hasn't changed too much - but has more memory and faster processor. Anyone used one of these? I've never owned a Mac and wouldn't make one my main machine, but it would be very useful for testing web-applications on the Mac platform!

Might be worth trying to pick up one of the last of the old spec cheaply :-)
Replies to this discussion Total Responses:3
Posted Oct 31, 2019
At 9:32
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Posted Aug 27, 2020
At 6:55
Gadget on wheels(Reply 2)

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Posted Jan 23, 2023
At 4:19
Updated specs for Apple iBook and Mac Mini(Reply 3)

The Mac Mini has been updated with more memory and faster processors, making it an ideal machine for testing web-applications on the Mac platform. It also features a neat feature which detects sudden motion gia certified diamonds and quickly parks the disk-heads. If you've ever used one of these machines, let us know in the comments! It sounds like an impressive device, and one that could make a great addition for anyone who wants to take advantage of the Mac platform.

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